Please e-transfer membership fee to our Treasurer.
Contact details on the form: Membership Application Form.
Why Join Us....
Whether you are a already a fan of our dear instrument, are becoming re-acquainted with it, or are looking for a new musical outlet, we invite you to join our society.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in recorders and recorder music.
We get together to learn or simply to enjoy the harmony of ensemble works. All of us have grown in appreciation of the repertoire available, most of us play better today than when we first joined, and some of us have formed small performing groups. We offer opportunities for members to try their hand in leading music, and we also bring in professionals to challenge our skills and knowledge.
Benefits of Membership
1. Discounts to ERS-organized workshops .
2. A discount at three music stores.
3. A 50% discount for an individual membership in Early Music Alberta.
4. Advertising of member events on our website.
5. Eligibility to serve on the board and to vote at the society's annual general meeting.
Membership is NOT REQUIRED to participate in ERS organized events.
Costs and Categories
Adult — $20
Senior/Student/Youth — $10
Associate membership — $10 (if you live outside the greater Edmonton area)
Children under 12 — FREE
Term: September 1 to August 31
How to Apply: Submit a Membership Application Form. It can be mailed to the address on the form, emailed to the address on the form, or presented in person at an ERS event.
Further information:
See the Organization & Executive, check out our by-laws or contact us.
American Recorder Society
The Edmonton Recorder Society is a Chapter of the American Recorder Society, which connects us with the larger North American recorder community. The ERS encourages all its members to review the benefits of becoming an ARS member and to consider joining the ARS. Benefits include a subscription to American Recorder magazine, which is published five times a year; special members' editions music supplements; eligibility for scholarships to attend recorder workshops throughout North America; and more. Check out the American Recorder Society's website for further information.
2023 Membership Form available