Early Music Alberta Discount
The Edmonton Recorder Society is an Institutional Member of Early Music Alberta; this entitles ERS members to a 50% discount for individual memberships. (In 2016, that means $25 instead of $50.) In turn, individual members are entitled to discounted concert prices.
Music Store Discount
As a benefit to members, the Edmonton Recorder Society is pleased to have negotiated discounts at three local music stores. To be eligible to receive these discounts, members must present their valid membership cards at the stores at the time of purchase.
St. John's Music
St. John's Music in Edmonton is pleased to provide a 10% discount on in-store and special-order Yamaha recorders and recorder sheet music, as well as certain in-store general music merchandise, such as music stands, metronomes and the like. St. John's Music is located at 10452 Mayfield Road, in West Edmonton.
Long & McQuade
Long & McQuade is pleased to provide a 15% discount on in-store and special order recorder sheet music; a 10% discount on recorders, whether in store or brought in from another Long & McQuade store in Canada; and a 10% in-store discount on musical accessories. This discount can be enjoyed at any of the Edmonton Long & McQuade locations.
The Gramophone
The Gramophone is pleased to provide a 10% discount on recorders, compact discs, and audio equipment. The Gramophone is a Mollenhauer dealer. The Gramophone is located in Old Strathcona just south of Whyte Avenue at 7913 – 104 Street, next to Planet Organic Market .