2023: Yes, we can!
It was a delight!
Springtime Sunday Gala!
Springtime Sunday Gala!
This was a highlight of our year (and...for a couple of years) -- an in-person performance! We heard duets, recorder/guitar, Baroque flute and our ERS Ensemble. Special guests were recorder students who wowed us with their lovely tone, trills and fast fingers.
Our play-in component allowed the youngsters to participate in a whole SATB consort and even more of the performers could finally play in person together.
Many thanks to the audience, performers and organizers.
Sunday, May 29, 2022 2 p.m. Strathcona Community League
Our play-in component allowed the youngsters to participate in a whole SATB consort and even more of the performers could finally play in person together.
Many thanks to the audience, performers and organizers.
Sunday, May 29, 2022 2 p.m. Strathcona Community League
Springtime Sunday Gala!
Sunday, May 29 2 p.m.
Strathcona Community League
Main Hall upstairs. 10139 - 87 Avenue
Face coverings requested. Free Admission.
Our ensemble will play - you can, too! Play-in!
Take your instruments and a music stand
For the first time ever at our Gala, you, as a member of our audience, are invited to join us in a play-in sight reading session. Music will be provided, but if you have any scores that you would like played (or attempted to be played!) please bring them along in addition to your recorders or any other instruments that you wish to play. All of this, of course, is optional to you. You are free to sit, listen and enjoy.
Performances 2022
Gala performances this year will be given in a less formal atmosphere than previously. Performers include our ERS Ensemble, other members of the society in smaller configurations as well as some student performances.
Covid Precautions 2022 Spring
While the worst of the pandemic is over, we are still living with the reality of Covid19. We still need to be cautious and therefore request that masks be required for all in attendance, (except to play our recorders!). Let us have a safe event.
We are a musical organization that depends on social musical interactions to thrive. Because of the pandemic, getting together with like-minded musicians has been difficult if not impossible. We have not seen many of you for a long time, particularly those who live outside the Edmonton area. We hope to see you, talk to you, and make music together. Just like we used to.
Sunday, May 29 2 p.m.
Strathcona Community League
Main Hall upstairs. 10139 - 87 Avenue
Face coverings requested. Free Admission.
Our ensemble will play - you can, too! Play-in!
Take your instruments and a music stand
For the first time ever at our Gala, you, as a member of our audience, are invited to join us in a play-in sight reading session. Music will be provided, but if you have any scores that you would like played (or attempted to be played!) please bring them along in addition to your recorders or any other instruments that you wish to play. All of this, of course, is optional to you. You are free to sit, listen and enjoy.
Performances 2022
Gala performances this year will be given in a less formal atmosphere than previously. Performers include our ERS Ensemble, other members of the society in smaller configurations as well as some student performances.
Covid Precautions 2022 Spring
While the worst of the pandemic is over, we are still living with the reality of Covid19. We still need to be cautious and therefore request that masks be required for all in attendance, (except to play our recorders!). Let us have a safe event.
We are a musical organization that depends on social musical interactions to thrive. Because of the pandemic, getting together with like-minded musicians has been difficult if not impossible. We have not seen many of you for a long time, particularly those who live outside the Edmonton area. We hope to see you, talk to you, and make music together. Just like we used to.
General information:
Annual Gala Concert
The Gala demonstrates the recorder in performance. It features soloists and ensembles of various sizes and instruments with "the recorder" being the unifying thread.
The Gala demonstrates the recorder in performance. It features soloists and ensembles of various sizes and instruments with "the recorder" being the unifying thread.
Who performs:
- anyone already involved in an ensemble (or soloists)
- any players looking to get back into recorder playing - either solo or can assemble an ad hoc ensemble for the event
- new-to-us players who want to join
- to share music they’ve been working on
- to hear, socialize and learn from fellow performers
- is in April
- includes a reception; participants provide simple snacks or drinks
- has been "no charge"

la gala docle ....
....a resounding success!
Gala Recorder Concert 2019
The ERS Gala was great fun this year thanks to the contributions of so many people - the players, the organizers (Anne, Donna Mae, Vivien, Margriet), and all those who brought so many delicious treats (especially the home-baked ones)!!
A wonderfully eclectic programme by a wonderfully eclectic troupe of players made for an inspiring, educational, uplifting afternoon. I received many comments from the audience that they loved the event and had no idea the recorder was such a versatile and lovely instrument!
Thanks to everyone who practiced hard to prepare music for this event, to Dorothy for encouraging her students to participate (such a pleasure to have children involved!), and to Vince for leading the ERS Ensemble!
Lori Klingbeil, ERS President
June 4, 2019
....a resounding success!
Gala Recorder Concert 2019
The ERS Gala was great fun this year thanks to the contributions of so many people - the players, the organizers (Anne, Donna Mae, Vivien, Margriet), and all those who brought so many delicious treats (especially the home-baked ones)!!
A wonderfully eclectic programme by a wonderfully eclectic troupe of players made for an inspiring, educational, uplifting afternoon. I received many comments from the audience that they loved the event and had no idea the recorder was such a versatile and lovely instrument!
Thanks to everyone who practiced hard to prepare music for this event, to Dorothy for encouraging her students to participate (such a pleasure to have children involved!), and to Vince for leading the ERS Ensemble!
Lori Klingbeil, ERS President
June 4, 2019
Christmas Performances
For two or three years, the ERS participated in the December Program at the Legislature Building. Recently, we switched to performances at senior care facilities
2021 none, another year of covid-19
2020 none, year of covid-19
2019 Dr. Grerald Zetter Care Centre December 17 6:30
(followed by an ERS pot-luck social)
2018 Capitalcare Dickensfield December 18, 2018
These 45-minute Christmas programmes feature lovely
varied music performance that spread peace among the residents.
We play recognizable Christmas carols and songs - in two, threes, fours and eights; sometimes with jazzy arrangements.
See also: Christmas Ensemble
For two or three years, the ERS participated in the December Program at the Legislature Building. Recently, we switched to performances at senior care facilities
2021 none, another year of covid-19
2020 none, year of covid-19
2019 Dr. Grerald Zetter Care Centre December 17 6:30
(followed by an ERS pot-luck social)
2018 Capitalcare Dickensfield December 18, 2018
These 45-minute Christmas programmes feature lovely
varied music performance that spread peace among the residents.
We play recognizable Christmas carols and songs - in two, threes, fours and eights; sometimes with jazzy arrangements.
See also: Christmas Ensemble
------------- Past ------------------------------
About: 2019
Regular players were invited to perform at the annual Gala Recorder Concert.
> If you’re already involved in a recorder ensemble, this is an opportunity to fine-tune a favourite piece of music for public presentation.
Irregular players....
> If you haven’t been playing recorder lately, the Gala is a great incentive to get back into it and work up a piece of music, or assemble an ad hoc ensemble to work on a delightful piece or two to share.
> If you would like to join an ensemble to prepare a piece for this event; contact us and we’ll do our best to connect ensemble players together.
About: 2010-2017
For several years, the Edmonton Recorder Society held a gala concert where our own ERS Ensemble anchored the show and other local, or visiting, acts were invited to perform a few pieces. This annual concert has featured soloists and ensembles of various sizes and instruments with "the recorder" being the unifying thread.
There are several ways to perform at the concert:
1. Join the ERS Ensemble which is organized especially for this concert.
2. Create your own ensemble (or solo situation) and ask us to keep a place open for you.
3. Have an existing ensemble? As above, let us know so we can open a spot in the program.
4. Know about potential guests? Let us know!
Contact us.
Regular players were invited to perform at the annual Gala Recorder Concert.
> If you’re already involved in a recorder ensemble, this is an opportunity to fine-tune a favourite piece of music for public presentation.
Irregular players....
> If you haven’t been playing recorder lately, the Gala is a great incentive to get back into it and work up a piece of music, or assemble an ad hoc ensemble to work on a delightful piece or two to share.
> If you would like to join an ensemble to prepare a piece for this event; contact us and we’ll do our best to connect ensemble players together.
About: 2010-2017
For several years, the Edmonton Recorder Society held a gala concert where our own ERS Ensemble anchored the show and other local, or visiting, acts were invited to perform a few pieces. This annual concert has featured soloists and ensembles of various sizes and instruments with "the recorder" being the unifying thread.
There are several ways to perform at the concert:
1. Join the ERS Ensemble which is organized especially for this concert.
2. Create your own ensemble (or solo situation) and ask us to keep a place open for you.
3. Have an existing ensemble? As above, let us know so we can open a spot in the program.
4. Know about potential guests? Let us know!
Contact us.
Gala Concert: Highlights!
2017 Saturday, April 22, 2017 2 pm Campus Saint Jean
This year’s gala features the ERS Ensemble in 17th century German music
by the 4 S’s – Schütz, Schein, Scheidt and Schmelzer with guest artists
adding voice, trombone, cornetto, cello, organ and more!
ERS members provided further delights - continuing the 17th century theme
with English music by Dowland, Lupo and Gibbons and the German theme with music by Handel. There were several chances to hear the beautiful combination of recorder and guitar, among which Jan and Alena treated us to more of their bossa novas.
Edmonton Public School's Ultimate Recorder Club (under the direction of Carly Ness) played folk pieces and a Bransle from 1588.
This year’s gala features the ERS Ensemble in 17th century German music
by the 4 S’s – Schütz, Schein, Scheidt and Schmelzer with guest artists
adding voice, trombone, cornetto, cello, organ and more!
ERS members provided further delights - continuing the 17th century theme
with English music by Dowland, Lupo and Gibbons and the German theme with music by Handel. There were several chances to hear the beautiful combination of recorder and guitar, among which Jan and Alena treated us to more of their bossa novas.
Edmonton Public School's Ultimate Recorder Club (under the direction of Carly Ness) played folk pieces and a Bransle from 1588.
Pirate Overture
by Vince Kelly, premier April 2016
On April 24, 2016, our members, Donna Mae, Margriet, Lori, Dorothy and Vince premiered a piece at the Cosmopolitan Music Society's concert. Theme of the concert was Folk Music. The piece, written by Vince Kelly and titled Pirate Overture, includes a secret melody, which listeners were challenged to identify. The prize was a CD by Maurice Steiger, international professional recorder player. Further pieces were played by society members and friends Donna Mae, Lori, Alena (guitar) and Frances (bass viol).
by Vince Kelly, premier April 2016
On April 24, 2016, our members, Donna Mae, Margriet, Lori, Dorothy and Vince premiered a piece at the Cosmopolitan Music Society's concert. Theme of the concert was Folk Music. The piece, written by Vince Kelly and titled Pirate Overture, includes a secret melody, which listeners were challenged to identify. The prize was a CD by Maurice Steiger, international professional recorder player. Further pieces were played by society members and friends Donna Mae, Lori, Alena (guitar) and Frances (bass viol).
Gala Concert Highlights: 2015
Saturday, April 11 2pm Trinity United Church
The concert featured a Bach Concerto, which was arranged for the ERS Ensemble by our own Vince Kelly who will dazzle the audience with his solo playing.
Other artists: Suite Tweet, Lori and Alena (guitar), Banchieri Quartet, Vince and David (guitar), The Fipple Sounds
Other music by: Dvorak, Gershwin, Handel, Freddie Mercury, Mozart, Pez, Vivaldi
The concert featured a Bach Concerto, which was arranged for the ERS Ensemble by our own Vince Kelly who will dazzle the audience with his solo playing.
Other artists: Suite Tweet, Lori and Alena (guitar), Banchieri Quartet, Vince and David (guitar), The Fipple Sounds
Other music by: Dvorak, Gershwin, Handel, Freddie Mercury, Mozart, Pez, Vivaldi
Gala Concert in recent years
Springtime Sunday Gala
Sunday, May 29 2 p.m.
Strathcona Community League, main floor
ERS Ensemble: Vince Kelly & David Brown
2021 - no concert (pandemic year)
2020 - no concert (pandemic year)
la gala docle
Strathcona Community League, 2nd floor lounge
Saturday, April 22
Problems related to schedules caused this event to be cancelled
ERS Ensemble Director: Vince Kelly
Schütz, Schein, Scheidt and Schmelzer
Campus Saint Jean, Grand Salon, Pavillon Lacerte
Saturday, April 22
ERS Ensemble Director: Vince Kelly
My Favourite Things
Westwood Unitarian Congregation,
Saturday, April 16 2 pm
ERS Ensemble Director: Vince Kelly
Trinity United Church, April
ERS Ensemble Director: Lois Lund
The Real Canadian Water Music
Trinity United Church, April
ERS Ritz Ensemble Director: Jan Damman
Invitation to the Dance
Trinity United Church, April
ERS Ensemble Director: Lori Klingbeil
Trinity United Church, April
ERS Ensemble Director: Kathleen Shoen
Trinity United Church, April
ERS Tudor Ensemble Director: Vince Kelly
Westwood Unitarian Congregation, April
no concert
ERS Orchestra Director: David Wilson
St. Andrew's United Church, April
Springtime Sunday Gala
Sunday, May 29 2 p.m.
Strathcona Community League, main floor
ERS Ensemble: Vince Kelly & David Brown
2021 - no concert (pandemic year)
2020 - no concert (pandemic year)
la gala docle
Strathcona Community League, 2nd floor lounge
Saturday, April 22
Problems related to schedules caused this event to be cancelled
ERS Ensemble Director: Vince Kelly
Schütz, Schein, Scheidt and Schmelzer
Campus Saint Jean, Grand Salon, Pavillon Lacerte
Saturday, April 22
ERS Ensemble Director: Vince Kelly
My Favourite Things
Westwood Unitarian Congregation,
Saturday, April 16 2 pm
ERS Ensemble Director: Vince Kelly
Trinity United Church, April
ERS Ensemble Director: Lois Lund
The Real Canadian Water Music
Trinity United Church, April
ERS Ritz Ensemble Director: Jan Damman
Invitation to the Dance
Trinity United Church, April
ERS Ensemble Director: Lori Klingbeil
Trinity United Church, April
ERS Ensemble Director: Kathleen Shoen
Trinity United Church, April
ERS Tudor Ensemble Director: Vince Kelly
Westwood Unitarian Congregation, April
no concert
ERS Orchestra Director: David Wilson
St. Andrew's United Church, April